Two Week Look Ahead
December 21, 2015
Over the past two weeks, we have been able to put down the permanent pavement markings giving a finished look to the section of Cumberland Avenue between 22nd Street and Alcoa Highway. As you travel on Cumberland, please be patient with traffic delays as our construction crews work to keep our project moving forward toward 19th and 18th Streets.
Over the next two weeks expect to see:
A complete closure of Cumberland between North 19th Street and 17th Street beginning 6am, Monday, 12/28/15 through 5pm, Tuesday, 1/5/16. This closure is to install a new KUB primary electrical duct bank. Click here to access traffic detour.
New water line installation in North 20th and South 19th Streets
The continuation of water and gass from 20th to 19th Streets
The coninuation of storm sewer drainage installation heading east
The addition of new sidewalks on the east side of South 22nd Street
Installation of primary electrical duct bank in North 18th, which gives KUB the ability to facilitate north side overhead electrical removals
Beginning of Phase II construction.